1st March 1992
Temasek Polytechnic Design School, Diploma in Visual Communication
♥: ✈, ★, photography, pool, travelling, swimming, ball games, piano, sunsets, rainbows, pinwheels, greentea, bubble tea
The rest are for me to know, and for you to find out.
(This shall be a pure DOC post. Another post will be up for other stuff!)
Being a GL was one of the most rewarding experiences i've ever had in my life. At the end of the camp, all your freshies appreciate what you have done, and you get to know all those in your subempire, make friends with them! And when design school won the best-spirited school award we've been striving for, i screamed and jumped like mad. Day zero was spent preparing and getting hyped up for the camp.
Day 1
Station games.
The 'pikachus' of Hooza HAHA
Art attack. Couldn't find the pic for the whole big picture though.
Day 2
After the teaching of handsign song + mass dance was go-out-games! Purpose was to let the freshies familiarize themselves to the places where designers usually go to print/buy their stuff.
Map that our freshies made. Damn cute!
Nightwalk was a total disappointment because 2 of the scariest levels were closed by the time it was our turn :((( Heard one of the freshies had hyperventilation and was sent to hospital that's why. Poor hooza only got to walk the 4 levels left.
Day 3
After the freshies had interaction with their course managers, played the mass game.
Weather. Was. Freaking. Hot.
Mass game!
After mass game was preparation for performance night, and i'm so proud of hooza cause many of the stepped up to lead in the choreography.
Perf night was awesome! Everyone did great :D I love the video clips done by media about the school rules, damn funny (Y) A pity we didn't get to do our GL cheer, i like eh =/ But it's okay! Campfire surprise was cancelled due to the rain, sighhhh.
Day 4
Final clash + TP Regatta! Competing with the other schools. I was in the sports complex with the freshies waiting for their turn for the olympiad (games), tgt with Amber Cassie Joy and another GL, duno his name lol. Aaron helped us out while waiting for his turn for dragonboat, thanks! It's nice how 4 of us are from the same course/class. At the sports com, only design cheered with the rest outside and we cheered the loudest! Other schools sit there and stone only! Heheh i'm so proud of us.
@ Bedok Reservoir
Hoogi GLs :D
Our blow-bubble thingy and name cards! :D
The last debrief with Hooza was heart-warming when GLs gave our reflections to the freshies, and passed postcards around for everyone to write one. So cute lah they! Write cute stuff. Haha.
And not forgetting the 3 china exchange students that followed Hooza, THEY ARE SO APPRECIATIVE AND ENTHUSIASTIC i felt totally undeserving of their appreciation! We GLs helped them a little, but they treated us like we're angels or something! They even gave us letters + presents on the last day, plus a hug each! I was so overwhelmed that i didn't know what to say. SO TOUCHED :'(
OH YA and on Day 1 night, Hoogi girl GLs snuggled in our sleeping bags, forming a circle with our heads in the center to gossip about someone we call 'ebuddy'. Talked bout our experiences etc and it was damn LOL hahahaha. Then it became our favourite thing to do throughout the camp ;D
Overall, freshies' love + china students' love + design winning best-spirited + Hoogi GLs' gossips made this camp the most fulfilling and memorable camp ever. (L)
Hoogi GLs' Go-Out-Day photos during DOTC2 Hoogi on strike!
Clarlynn Crystal
Danny Desmond
Edward Elyn
Glenn GuanFeng
Jaslin Jayson Jeremy JiaHui Joey Jolene
Lily LimYing
Mandy MiaoSi MingShuang
Pearlyn PeiQi Phyllan
Rinku RuoHan RuTing
Samantha Sharlene Shaun Shawn ShiTing ShiYun ShuHui SiHui SoonLee
WeiSze WeiXuan WenChien
XiaXue XinLin XueMin
ZhiQiang ZiXian