1st March 1992
Temasek Polytechnic Design School, Diploma in Visual Communication
♥: ✈, ★, photography, pool, travelling, swimming, ball games, piano, sunsets, rainbows, pinwheels, greentea, bubble tea
The rest are for me to know, and for you to find out.
Design Orientation Camp (Camp X) Was great :D WARNING: This post is gonna be really long-winded, but i'd still like to share what i did so bear with it :P
Day 1: Went TP with Jolene. My empire's same as her, Reylon! Sub empire's Reybo. Ice breaking was quite fun because our sub empires were small, as compared to FOC. So we could remember one another's names more easily :) We found out that most of us live in the north, many in yishun! :D Oh and i think Desmond the GL looks like ping3 guan4 the singer =x
Reybo! :D
Timothy's damn funny!
Learned cheers, had to long talk by director of design school (though he can speak well, i don't like him), played station games, blah blah, prepared for performance night, then went home with Jolene. It's 4D2N so the first night we didn't stay overnight.
Day 2: Went TP with Reybo, sebas and jolene. We were late due to all the waiting, and by the time we reached, almost everyone was seated already. Reybo's GLs were like damn relieved that we came, because only 5 from Reybo turned up on time and they thought the rest weren't gonna turn up, LOL.
I think we played station games after that, rehearsed for performance night, and performed at the auditorium after that. Was fun :D Oh and i made friends with Qiming, a guy who SERIOUSLY LOOKS LIKE MR BEAN! He's DARN FUNNY please ;D If you happen to know Langston, the way Qiming talks is somehow like how Langston talks! And he's in the same course as me :D
Up next was night walk at sentosa. We took bus + train there, played station games etc till 2+am. We girls were too lazy to queue up to shower and it was damn late already, so we went to sleep without showering and decided to wake up early next morning to shower instead.
Day 3: After shower, breakfast and warm up, got separated into our respective courses for a talk by our lecturers.
Night walk While we freshies were having our activities, the programmers and main comm prepared by decorating the design school with eerie scenarios and disguising themselves as ghosts without us knowing. At night, some of them and the GLs gathered us at the amphitheatre to tell us ghost stories to build up the scary atmosphere which was quite successful i guess. Then we set off to explore and complete tasks within the scary design school empire by empire. A few of us backed out and didn't participate in the end =x I backed out last minute because i didn't wanna see ghosts and etch their appearances in my memory =/ I'm not afraid of ghost stories at all though. Heard the walk was superrrrrrrrrrrr scary and realistic! And i felt really lucky to not have participated especially when i heard the loud screams ;P
After the night walk was over, sub empires gathered to play games, and i liked it when Reybo played 'xi3 niu2 nai3' ;D I was the winner for one round!
Went to sleep after that without showering again ;x
Day 4: Showered early morning, bought fish burger + teh peng for breakfast but didn't get to eat it yet because i've to go LT for a talk for VSC students, so i asked my friends to help look after them. And the director and lecturers talked so long that when i went back to join the rest, my fish burger had become cold and the ice in my teh peng had completely melted =/ I ate during the learning of new cheers. Just then, we saw business school freshies + GLs etc, so we design people went up to them and did our cheers to like show our prowess, LOL. And in the process, Amethyst's arm accidentally knocked onto my burger and it dropped onto the floor :(
Then i was one of the mass dance people representing design school in the final clash, so had to rehearse. Everyone drew X on their faces, had a pirate eye patch and pirate ribbon ;D
Final clash / regatta was boring except for the mass dance competition against other schools (as in business, IT, AS, HSS, engine school). At bedok reservoir, we had to sit on the grass and ants kept crawling up and biting our legs =/ Watched dragon boat competition, blah blah. Anyway DESIGN SCHOOL WON THE BEST SPIRITED SCHOOL AWARD :DDD
After the regatta we walked back to design school and they gave us balloons (mostly pink)! :D Freshies squeezed at the first floor of design school, and according to tradition they poured water over us from above. Link to video here.
Luckily i didn't have my phone or camera with me that time please! Or i'll kill everyone!!! And i hate the director for talking for so damn long when we're warm + wet + stinky + uncomfortable! Of course he's fine with it since he's standing up there with much ventilation! Argh. 2 people nearly fainted i think, and he still wanted to continue talking!
During the debrief, i saw sugar, ruting and ed and rushed to get my belongings before heading to nyjc to watch concert with them. We ran full speed down the slope of TP entrance and hailed a taxi. We were so late we missed half of it though =/ I'm so sorry for causing you all to be late D: Sorry to the GLs to for getting anxious because of me.
Had dinner with clique, sugar ruting and ed after that :)
Rinku outing @ East Coast Park
Sugar's stitch is super cute!
Went to ECP with sugar. Played monkey, captain's ball and volleyball while some of them went to cycle and blade. Captain's ball was a long and great game! Felt very guilty for not being able to catch the ball well though :( And i think i'll get exposed if i lean over so my actions were somehow restrained. People kept saying i'm a dangerous player though, idk why! Lol.
And there was a while were Glenn and Jeremy kept calling me Cyndi after someone said i look like Cyndi Wang!
Then someone suggested those playing volleyball that time to hit it 20 times without letting the ball drop. We broke the record and went up to 31. So we set our goal to 40 and tried till night time to no avail. We were like "We can do it! No 40 times cannot go dinner!" So in the end we cheated somehow by forming a compressed circle with our arms inside to hit the ball together without letting it fly out, and managed to hit 40 times. Lol.
Bought takeaway, sat together and ate at idk where lol. And it was camwhoring session!
Then Damian suggested going to play pool, and most of the others left. I teamed up with Jeremy, and he's pro de lor, still act blur. Haha. I was underperforming =/ I swear i could have done better with some warm up!
Since it was around 11.30pm already, the last bus had gone, mrt stopped operating and taking cab was expensive, so we planned to ton the night there till the first bus next morning. But mum didn't allow so i had to cab back =/
After pool we had a chatting session, and Glenn & Jeremy kept saying i'm very cute, look like rabbit, and wanna adopt me as pet! And they kept teasing me for being small sized and blur =/ But anyway, that's how they became my owners ;D Glenn laughs at most of the things i say or do D:
Glenn, sugar and i bought happy meal for the toy that day :D
Was wearing sugar's shirt because will get exposed if i lean over in my tank top.
We went downstairs, sat in a circle to chat and the GLs told ghost stories. Sebas joined us since his Nexo outing ended there too. Cabbed back with sugar and sebas, and reached home around 3am.
First day of school Mey some Reybo people at yishun before going TP together :) Design students had to go for a talk by the director. Partly interesting, partly was sleeping session for me. When we were finally released for lunch break, Jeremy bought me the famous A1 bubbletea and delivered to me :D Thank youuuu! Their bubbletea have special flavours and are a thumb's up :) Ate with Reybo before going for my tutorial: Drawing Essentials. I'm not good at it though =/ The lecturer told us about the essential stationery to be bought. Our homework was to draw a self-portrait and do research on what drawing is. Oh and btw my classmates are nice :D Everyone was like "Hello! What's your name! :DDD" due to the post effect of DOC i guess :) And my lessons for weeks 1-4 all start at 9.10am, lunch break 12pm-12.30pm, next lesson till 3pm.
Madeline has the My Melody pouch! :D
Jeremy asked me to watch Rinku soccer that evening but i didn't go because of homework, and my phone ran out of batt =/ Bused home with Ruth.
Second day of school Met up with Reybo people again, but somehow we couldn't squeeze into the 969 buses, so we cabbed there. During drawing class we had to go downstairs to draw plants ._.
Met Jeremy after school and he brought me to A1 to buy bubbletea, so i'll know the way there. Thanks for another treat owner! :D Walked back to school and met Mengchou and Brandon to wait for Rinku movie outing at 6pm. Slacked around until all those going for movie were assembled at the mushroom. Some cabbed and some bused to Ehub, and watched 17 Again. I think the movie was not bad! :) My 2 bad owners kept wanting to take out my lousy self-portrait to show people =/
My 2 owners with the long strip of movie tickets.
Ate dinner at Mac at downtown east before going to the top floor of the carpark to listen to ghost stories. Halfway through mum called me and scolded me for being out so late recently, and her words were so harsh my tears just fell. My 2 owners sitting at my left and right were the first to realise and kept trying to comfort me. Thanks, and sorry for giving you all a shock =x Soon after, everyone went home while Poh offered to drive me home together with the other guys, so that i could reach home faster. And he can drive till his car becomes a thrill ride ;D Thanks to them for cheering me up on the way :) And thanks Poh for the ride! Reached home around 12am.
Third day of school First time i went to school alone. Lessons were quite interesting for the day :) Went for the CCA fair with my classmates and was damn happy to see familiar faces everywhere :D Signed up for TPSU and hockey. Met Jeremy and Xinhui after that to buy bubbletea (thanks owner for the treat again :D) before heading to Tampines 1 and Tampines mall to walk walk with a few other freshies. I'm like drinking bubbletea everyday since school started ;D
Bought takeaway + bubbletea (again!) and brought back to school to have Rinku dinner :) Was kinda boring overall though. Everyone were sitting in separate circles minding their own business =/ Oh and listened to Glenn play the guitar while the rest sang along :D He even composed a song for his eyecandy lah! Gosh so sweet right. Lol. I wonder who that lucky girl is :O
Went home with sugar, sebas, junfeng and jingler.
PS: Added more photos to the previous post! PS: Jeremy was damn eager to read my blog post after 4324285435 days of me saying i'm blogging but not finished. Lol ;D HERE IT IS! PS: Today was the first time i lighted a lighter! Lol.
Tag replies: sebas ;]- well, my camp was the best afterall ;D lawrence- :) sunnv- sorry eh sunnv! been reallyyyyyyy busy with camp, school and outings recently, don't even have time to blog =/ will update a long post to keep you company alright! haha ;D imy too! we try to meet up during the holidays if same okay! XIN WEI- IMY too dearie! been damn long since i've seen you D: and we haven't go jurong point! do ask me out if you're free okay! horhor, you slack during lesson! Annissa- you have to take away part of the code that forms the link. for taking screen shots, you can press 'PrtSc' at the top right corner of your keyboard, then open paint, then press ctrl+v. yiluann.- hello! yup, priceless times spent with fun new friends :D hope you enjoy school too! :) yangjin- no it's an old show where he plays a minor role. yup he has the nicest voice ;D cheston- sup! thanks for viewing and tagging! :D see you around! didi(:- thanks! you tc too :) Glenn the owner- hello OWNER :D why you keep laughing at whatever i do/say D: and i'm gonna take that picture i drew out of my sketchbook so you won't get to laugh at it already, hmph! hello, your blog rocks- hey your name is cool! hahaha. i copy somewhere and paste it. VANESSA- hello! :D Jeremy the other owner- haha! my pet food = bubbletea :D ♥.Wenqizxzx!:)- not really, i took a basecode and edited it alot.
Rinku, 你开心吗?
Sunday, April 12
Additional photos: Idk why my fingers look damn short there LOL.
With Melvin, Alvin's bro.
TP FOC WAS A BLAST! :D What i type on this post would be direct and long-winded as i've really no time to elaborate =/ Do keep re-reading this post for edits and photo add-ons!
Met up with sugar, ed and ruting for brunch at subway before heading to TP, with jingler joining us on the way. Then junfeng and sebas joined us at TP's entrance. Had registration, and though there would be the most 2 cchy people in the same empire, we all were in different sub empires. =/ My empire's called Rinku, same as sugar, while my sub empire's Rinsho. Next was teaching of cheers, ice breaking games and flag making. After lunch etc, we had a long walk to tampines central then had to complete station games with sub empire till late. Their purpose was to let us familiar ourselves with tampines area. Was fun :)
The day ended quite early, then we showered and were preparing to sleep when the cchy guys called us to go up for cchy gathering. Chatted till 2am+ before going to bed.
Day 2: Learnt the school song, hand sign song, and mass dance! ME HEARTS THE MASS DANCE :D Especially the "roar!" part! And Weng, one of the Rinku GLs was my great dance partner :D Ahh forgot to take photo with him :( Jolene was our FOC's dancing queen in the dancing competition among representatives from each empire, so proud of her for us cchy-ians please :D
This is the mass dance song btw :)
Had station games again which was supposed to be held outside the school but changed to be played inside TP due to the rain. Ran around the school, blah blah. Was like what we did in the previous night. And after every station, the programmers would ask us what we learned from the game and we had to guess the oracle. We kept cheering "G to the O we go, Rinsho Rinsho let's go!" all the way while running around tampines to the different game stations :D
Then split into empires and prepared and rehearsed for performance night. I was in Rinku's mass dance to Katy Perry's Hot and Cold. Wasn't really successful but nvm :( I could remember every action before going on stage but blanked out while performing D: The GLs, programmers & main comm performed for us too :)
Next was JAM & HOP :DDDD Lights off and we cchy people gathered to dance together. Darn high please ;D After supper, had cchy gathering again, and we played murderer till a GL stopped us because he insisted that it's considered gambling because we were using poker cards D: So we slacked around after that, showered, then slept.
Day 3: Had water games which was awesome :D Could smell the unity from Rinsho while completing all the games. We'd get wet while playing the games, and at the end of each game we'll all huddle together and get poured by buckets of water while cheering :D After everything, everyone was WET, happy and tired. After lunch, we played a game called Huntgry. Had to run around the school to complete tasks, like for example the empire had to duck walk and quack in a circle for a minute. Or like we have to pole dance at the colourful poles in engineering school. RAN LIKE CRAZY HELL EVERYWHERE, even worse than running for 2.4km because we practically sprinted to every station which weren't short distances. This applies to the previous day's station games and water games too. Explains why we're so worn out.
After Huntgry, FOC gathered and had a tribute by the graduated year 3 GLs, as well as by the other GLs to them. They cried because this would be their last camp. Then played the video on FOC 2009, separate photos of jolene sebas and me were on the video LOL. Oh and i was actually falling asleep while watching the video, until my friend told me i was up there then i woke up and got a shock, lmao. Next was the release of overall empire scores. Rinku got last, and we cried with the GLs :( Wasn't sure if those sitting behind cried because i was right in front with the GLs. I guess part of the reason to why i cried was also because is saw the GLs crying and sensed the sadness. Sigh. We've tried really hard and really put in a lot of effort but we still got last. Felt really sorry for the GLs too because Rinku kept getting last D: But no matter what, Rinku would be the best in our hearts yeah? As the GLs said, Rinku may be the last but we'll last forever. :)
Had mass dance, sang school song, hand sign song, the stomp feet thingy after that, then took an FOC photo. Ended with empire gathering and group photos.
It's a tradition for every year's FOC to gather at the CPF building to buy takeaway and gather around the CPF building to eat and play games, and we did just that :) Cchy people ate first at kfc though, because the GLs were super late. Saw marcus! He attended FOW(the day camp for those not staying overnight). Cchy peeps chatted about the camp and cheered all the way on the last bus back ;D Ruohan took the same bus too!
Anyway, i lost my voice the next day after all the cheering during camp D: Anddddd, i slept for 14 hours till 5pm :P
Many people said my phone's cool, and that i look like cyndi wang, hahaha. Of course my phone's cool and of course cyndi's much prettier :) I think there're many lookalikes in TP FOC! I think Ben Chow looks a little like Evan Yo, the emcee (his voice sounds like a dj's!) other than Gideon looks like Ruohan, Yiwen looks like an ex cchy student Jolyn, Fion looks a little like an ex dance senior Sophia, etc. And TP has many good-looking people too :O
After the camp, Empire blogs were spammed, facebook spammed with friend requests, msn spammed with adds and conversations. LOL. Bet this happened to everyone lah. But it's nice ;D
Grabbed this video from Rinku blog. The 4th person in the video is Weng my mass dance teacher & partner, and 5th is Tingfong, a GL who kept bullying me!
TP FOC outing at Sentosa on saturday Cchy-ians met up first before heading to vivo city to eat at Superdog. Took our own sweet time walking around vivo before taking the sky train to sentosa. Arrived at Palawan beach on time, and SP's there too! (Means dearie's there too :D) Played a water bomb game which was quite boring. After the game, Jingler and i were burying sugar's legs in the sand when ed and ruting i think, came and lifted my hands and legs and threw me into the sea!!! Haha. Then everyone went to play in the sea :D Got pushed in and threw in the water a few times.
Then we went up for captain's ball with Cheston, another Rinku GL and several freshies. Soon more people kept joining and alot of people played! Played will my whole body was full of sand D: But nevertheless, GOOD GAME! :D
However, all the fun had to end when it rained suddenly D: Everyone headed for shelter, and waited for the rain to stop. Was a little sunburnt, but it was just nice because it wasn't the painful kind. Saw dearie there!
Showered after the rain stopped and went for dinner before going to vivo rooftop's amphitheatre for TP FOC gathering. Cheered, but a fight broke out between a few TP and SP students D: The commotion was settled soon though, and most people took photos etc before heading home. Dearie joined us on the way back :D
Jingler advertising Sebastian's Gatsby LOL.
Huimin is super pretty!
There's ALOT of photos with jolene and other people but i can't get them yet D: So will update this post with lots more photos another time :) And those with photos with me inside, SEND ME!
Click here for all the photos from my camera for TP FOC :)
Dearie's birthday celebration on friday Our plan: Clique & ed go watch The Sniper together at northpoint, then say we wanna go home. After that Jaslin will join us, we'll go buy cake, candles and sparklers, then bus to dearie's house that area. We'll prepare clues on paper to guide her to the playground near her house, then we'll arrange candles to form "Happy Birthday" on the floor and greet her with sparklers at night, and order pizza hut delivery. Then we'll ask her to go down when we're ready. The clues, cake, candles and sparklers at night was my idea :D
So we watched The Sniper and it kinda sucked. Though Edison looked hot there, the show was quite boring =/
We took photos, then pretended to go home. Felt so damn guilty okay! And it's like we wore very casually while she wore quite nice, like expecting to go somewhere further =x Jaslin met us and we bought the necessary stuffs. Bused to dearie's house that area, prepared everything, jas called her to come down, we hid at the second floor, and popped the party poppers when she arrived. Successful though the candles were nearly burnt out. Oh and because we didn't have enough candles, we formed a heart shape with a 17 inside instead, and the sparklers replaced with party poppers because we couldn't find cheap ones.
We told dearie to wear + hold all the presents and do a catwalk while we video it down, dance to Hot & Cold, do chicken dance etc ;D
Had fun, and waited for the pizza hut delivery to come which took damn long, like 1+ hour =/ We said things like maybe the delivery man met with an accident, and we heard the sound of ambulance after that! Lmao. Kept calling the delivery hotline to rush them, damn funny lah ;D He came eventually but the pizzas weren't hot and the crust wasn't crispy already. So since they advertised that they'll replace us with a free pizza if the pizzas aren't hot, we actually called and told them the pizzas weren't hot and told them to get us another one ;D But we still finished the 2 pizzas that arrived anyway. And thanks to dearie's mum for getting so many stuffs for us like paper plates, drinks, tissue etc!
Soon the extra pizzas came. We thought they would replace us with 1 pizza or a small one, but they brought us 2, as big as the ones we ordered initially! And those 2 pizzas were hot and nice :9 Felt kinda sorry for them actually :P But we still managed to stuff ourselves and finished all the pizzas (; The stuffs we chatted about were darn funny! :D
Dearie, hope you enjoyed the day and like the presents! :) All the wishes stated in sms and the card already so shan't elaborate here. Anyway, WE LOVE YOU :D
Will be M.I.A again till friday as i have deisgn school orientaion camp! Oh and i've to watch nyjc's 白云岗 on friday night right after camp too! And there's Rinku outing on saturday at east coast park! I'll be wonderwoman if i'm able to attend everything!
Tags shall be replied in this post as there are too many: jEsNy♥: nah i bought 2. not interested in the first album. hahs. sunnv!: ohh. so you still want the songs? need me burn cd for you? aaron's fc lor. you interested? yeah new show with him, but don't feel like seeing him with guigui again >< ruohan: don't see me nowhere might not mean i'm having fun ah. haha. but i did have fun indeed. and anyway we saw each other on the way home! :D Weisze,: yup relinked! :) tc too! ♥ crosses: yup i will, when i'm free! =x i'm busy like crazy helllllllll D: heh yeap! that's easter m&m :D tingfong: haha thankssssssssssss! :D XIN WEI: i'll try when i've the time! D: rinku guest: thanks! :D yeap i went! sebas ;]: yeap! not only that song though, it's a playlist on shuffle. & WHEY DON'T FLOOD! D: Weisze,: ohh i saw you too! but i couldn't really recognize, not sure whether it's you or not so i kept staring but you didn't have any reaction so i didn't smile or wave at you D: Jiahui: yup! bought it just because it's cute ;D happy easter too! :D miss you! ♥
Clarlynn Crystal
Danny Desmond
Edward Elyn
Glenn GuanFeng
Jaslin Jayson Jeremy JiaHui Joey Jolene
Lily LimYing
Mandy MiaoSi MingShuang
Pearlyn PeiQi Phyllan
Rinku RuoHan RuTing
Samantha Sharlene Shaun Shawn ShiTing ShiYun ShuHui SiHui SoonLee
WeiSze WeiXuan WenChien
XiaXue XinLin XueMin
ZhiQiang ZiXian